The Largest T-Shirt Offer With
Music Designs
Best Option from Germany, Austria, and CH
"Bach + Music + Gifts"... Busts, little Bach men, Bach steins, EU style calendars, and own Publishing House offers are available at "Bach 4 You" via the leftmost button above. Plus? "Zazzle" is the T-shirt and the US style (... with a half page grid) calendar marketplace.
Please support our missions without spending more money: More regarding that is what you can learn below the buttons. In all shops, there are thousands of music gifts and also other ( ! ) gifts ... much more than "just" music gifts.
Here above, each button works individually. Our recommendation? 50:50 calendars (... with huge timetable for notes; US style) at Zazzle, T-shirts at Spreadshirt. Full-size calendars via "Bach 4 You". Plus: The Bach 4 You shop has everything Bach-specific: Bach busts, Bach figures, little Bach men, the Bach Biography for Children, the Bach Coloring Book, Bach steins, Bach music, Bach miniature books. In the other stores, there is an incredible amount of merchandise, such as mugs, bed linen, USB sticks, T-shirts and sweaters, all of which have a design printed on them. "Zazzle" and "Spreadshirt" are definitely our favorites.
You can help us there with any gift on any topic: sports, music, children, dinosaurs, pets, motorcycles, Christmas ... and a thousand other themes. Your best option is "Zazzle"! Please support our Bach missions by visiting "Zazzle" from this page of our website. Also, later if you are looking for gifts. You can access "Zazzle" with one click here ... right, or use the big button on the right.
To inform you – only once, short and to the point – about our important request in the following short paragraph.
Not only in the four shops of "Bach 4 You" on the internet does the Publishing House and our missions get a small commission, but also, if you buy in the shops of other sellers on these four internet gift platforms. 45 seconds more reading and you made it.
Please go on reading 45 seconds more.
If you surf to "Zazzle and Co." again later, that is tomorrow or the day after tomorrow or even much later – ready to buy – please do so via this page. Because then it will not be more expensive for you, but you will enable with this "procedure", a large portion of help for us in the matter of Johann Sebastian Bach and on the subject of "Classical Music for Children". The system of these portals then recognizes that you come from this, our page in the Bach mission. And we also get this small commission if you order a bedspread, for example, with dinosaur motifs.
Just google "Shop + Johann Sebastian Bach". "Bach 4 You" is among the "TOP 3 results". After that, it's the bottom position in the navigation. If you arrive at the Publishing House Store, then you also arrive at "Zazzle and Co." via this last position in the navigation.
PS ... Just "Bach" won't work. Please, type in "Johann Sebastian Bach".
The Bach Shop "Bach 4 You" is the specialist in the subject of "Bach figure". Again your way to the Publishing House Shop.
You get the Bach beer stein in no gift publishing house and in no Bach shop in so many variants.
The music gift composers calendar and the music gift Bach T-shirt: two major sections in the Bach Publishing House Shop of "Bach 4 You" and in the internet Bach shops of Renate Bach in Southern Germany.
Renate Bach Publishing "Bach 4 You" – Bildstrasse 25, 74223 Flein / Germany – Phone: +49 7131 576761 – info (at)